Lindsey and Emily both had portfolio breakfasts this week. I use the term "breakfast" loosely, because there was no actual breakfast there. Emily said it was "because of the economy" and sort of shook her head. I think she's been listening to Daddy and Bapop lately! I brought my camera to both girls' breakfasts, but was only able to take pictures at Emily's breakfast. I won't go into all the details about why I didn't take any at Lindsey's, but just know that it involved tears (hers), begging (mine) and me walking out of there without a single picture! Anyway, Lindsey showed me her work, which was mostly writing samples. I loved hearing her voice in her writing - she is very creative and very conscientious in all she does. What a joy that little girl is to me. She warms my heart.
Emily allowed a few pictures, only because Daddy wasn't there to see her work. She was so excited for me to be there, and to show me her journal. I can't believe how much her reading and writing has improved this year. It's astounding, truly. Here is her journal the first day of kindergarten (sorry for the dark picture - notice there is no writing, just a bunch of scribbling and a sticky note her teacher put on there telling what the picture was about):
And here is a recent entry - it continued on the next page, too. It was about Ballerina Bunnies - too cute! And take a look at the difference a year makes!!!
Here's my sweet girl showing off some of her work (notice a pattern here? She writes about bunnies alot!). I am so proud of her! She has come so far, and I love her enthusiasm for learning!
Butter Slime
4 hours ago