I have been so lazy with this pregnancy, and haven't made many bows lately. My bow group did a Valentine's Day launch, and I finally made some bows for it. I think they turned out really cute - be sure to check them out on ebay!
In order to claim my prize (which, in my mind, is hot chocolate - YUM!!!), I have to answer some questions:
1. Do you have the same friends since childhood? I have a few friends from childhood that I do keep in touch with, and several from high school that I am still very good friends with. Thanks to Facebook, I have gotten reconnected with some friends from elementary and middle school, and I am loving that!
2. What do you value most about your friends? I value knowing that my friends accept me for who I am, and will have my back when I need them to.
3. Are your friends your sounding boards? That would be a big YES!!! When I have something going on in my life, whether good or bad, I immediately have to tell my friends. I am lucky enough to have friends that will put up with all my whining =)
4. What is your favorite activity to share with your friends? I love going out to lunch and just chatting, or helping my friends plan parties. My best friend and I are huge party planners and we like nothing more than obsessing about every last detail.
Since there are 4 cups of liquid, I'm keeping one for myself (ok, I'm keeping two for myself because I don't have a third blogger friend to pass it to - how sad!) and passing the others along to....(and don't laugh because I don't know how to do the cute hyperlink thing - anyone care to fill me in?)....
Londie - http://onlyone2spoil.blogspot.com/
Becky - http://www.lollarslittleladybugs.blogspot.com/
Thanks for the award, Angie! I am so glad we are friends!