First, you are going to need the mesh stuff - it is called "Poly Deco Mesh" and is hard to find for me locally (Hobby Lobby carries some in Christmas colors, but it is very limited). I ordered mine online from It's around $10 a roll, so it's kind of expensive. I have some of the roll left, but I'm not sure if I have enough to make another wreath - I'm hoping I do. You will also need wire or ribbon to attach the mesh, a wreath form, and any embellishments you wish to add. I found the sparkly Trick or Treat sign at the Dollar Tree, and I made the ghost (more on him later). The wreath form I bought was wire, but in hindsight I think I would have bought a grapevine wreath and spraypainted it black. The mesh doesn't do a very good job of hiding the wreath form, so I had to first wrap my metal form with black tulle. Next, I started adding strips of the mesh. It is very forgiving, so just put it on there how you like it. I tied my pieces on with black tulle, but you could use ribbon or wire. Once I had my mesh on, I just hung the little sign in the middle by tying it underneath the back of the wreath, and then added my little ghost (wiring him on). I made him using a white styrofoam ball (side note - WHY is styrofoam so expensive!?!?!?) and some cheesecloth - I just tied some purple tulle around his neck. I hot glued some buttons on for eyes, and he was done! I won't tell you how long I was messing with him to make him look like an actual ghost, because it's an embarassing amount of time. Suffice it to say - I have issues.
Once he was attached, I was done! I would have liked to have added maybe a few more little embellishments, but with the mesh being so "busy" I didn't want to get too out of control.
If you make a wreath, I would LOVE to see a picture of it!
Sharing at:

So cute! Love the colors...
The colors are great and this wreath is terrific. Good Job!
Hopping over from Weekend Wrap up! I just bought that Trick or Treat sign yesterday! Cute idea :) Would love it if you stop by and entered my giveaway!
Adorable! Love the snack too...I am the same way...nothing is simple, I cannot ever leave well enough alone. But ya know...its the little things and kids WILL remember! Happy weekend.
What a darling blog - thanks for coming over to mine and leaving a nice comment. I love your Halloween Wreath too - too bad I don't have two front doors - right! p.s. i asked the hubby if he would paint my door black tomorrow and he said Yes! Hooray!!! Have a great weekend!!
I love this wreath - nice job! :) M*
love the mesh! I've never seen anything like this and I can't get enough of the texture! The plaid and the sparkle are awesome!
this is so cute! I really want to try this, I'll have to see if Joanne's has it! thanks for sharing!
I absolutely love this. It is just beautiful!!! Love the colors...the sign...and the ghost :)
(Saw your link at Show and Tell Saturday)
Very cute! I want one!
You should come link this up to my Making It With Allie party.
Fantastic idea. I have a ton of that poly dec stuff in gold. Maybe I'll try one for Thanksgiving or Christmas. Oh, and I am totally behind you on the styrofoam. What, is it made of platinum?
I LOOOOOOOOOVE your wreath! I'm not real clear on how you made it puffy and tied it down:( I'm so happy I found your blog!!!
Thanks for sharing a link to Mardi Gras Outlet in this great post! I am a bit addicted to crafting with this mesh product! We have a video tutorial on our blog for a similar style mesh wreath. I am going to share your precious Halloween wreath with my readers!
This is soooo cute Heather! As matter of fact I love every bit of your blog! Thanks for being an inspiration!
your photo has been stolen and is for "sale" here :(
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